It is easy for someone to say, stay in the present moment, but doing it is so much harder. Actually it'
...It is easy for someone to say, stay in the present moment, but doing it is so much harder. Actually it'
New Year's Eve often brings with it ambitious resolutions and dreams for improving our health and/or quality of life. Many ...
Whenever we are in pain, the only thing we want is for it to disappear - the sooner the better. The worse the pain is, t
...NOT controlling stress in life results in poor health, sadness, agitation, diseases and death. The cost is HUGE and sadly most people will only realise the effects of stress on their own life when it ...
They are really getting on my nerves! They keep pushing my buttons! Yuck, I can feel their energy, they are in a really bad state, its getting to me.
1. Don't resist, go with it
Remember what you re...
To me the most valuable asset in the world is my mind. So I wish to protect it.
I like to think of the mind like a garden. We all want a beautiful garden but very f...